Monday, February 13, 2012

Bad stuff to avoid

Adultery.Add Image

Stop living in it. You will never be able to be a part of the Kingdom of God as long as you live in adultery. (Galatians 5:19)

What is adultery? To be married to the divorced is adultery. It will drag your soul to hell unless you separate from your partner in adultery and start living in purity.

A right marriage is the result of a man leaving his father and mother and living only with his wife, neither of the two having had any previous marriages whatsoever. (Matthew 19) I believe that in a real God-joined marriage there is a public ceremony with witnesses. As a result of this union they are one flesh. What God has thus joined together, don't let anyone divorce or separate.

If you are living in marriage with someone who was once in a right marriage as described above but is now divorced and married to you, know this; you are living in adultery.

You will automatically be placed with the goats on judgement day if you don't repent.(separate from the adultery)

Not everyone will be able to accept this article, but" if anyone have ears to hear, let him hear".

Saturday, February 11, 2012

How to be a Christian

1. Start literally putting His teachings into practice in your life.
2. Cling to these teachings like a bulldog. Don't let a Pastor or anyone else tell you that Jesus didn't really mean what He said.
3. Stop doing bad stuff.

Friday, May 20, 2011

We aren't earthworms

From the beginning God wanted a kingdom full of loyal subjects who choose of their own freewill to love and serve Him. So God created man different from robins and deer. We have a freewill. We don't have to be like he created us - good and in His own image. We are now being tested day by day. We are sorting ourselves into two nets, the good and the bad.

Part of the reason we can't see into the future or into the spirit world is because we would all immediately become followers of Jesus. God wants to see who will obey Him even when there is no proof.

Jesus came to earth to reveal the Father's will. He said," Love your enemies" and, "Resist not evil". Will you fight back or will you turn the other cheek? Which net are you sorting yourself into?

When Jesus taught God's will about marriage, He said,"They are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder. Will you divorce and remarry or will you love your wife? Which master are you following, God or Satan?

Jesus also said,"Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt and where thieves break through and steal..." Are you proving yourself to be a worthy servant? Or are you loving yourself more than God?

Sunday, May 15, 2011

What is the Kingdom of God like?

Jesus talked about the kingdom a lot. In the four gospels He mentioned it over one hundred times. It was His message. What is the kingdom like?

It has a ruler. It is King Jesus.
It has subjects. They are his obedient followers.
It has laws. They are listed in the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5) as well as sprinkled throughout the New Testament.
It has no physical boundaries. The Kingdom of God is within us.
It is currently at war with the Kingdom of Satan.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Jesus has all the answers

On this blog I'd like to promote Jesus, my king. I am His servant. Whatever He says I do because I am in His kingdom. He redeemed me from my old master because I heard his voice and chose to rise up and follow Him.
Good day.